With the rapid rise in the reported prevalence of sex-discordant gender identity, there has been increasing demand for health professionals to provide medical interventions directed toward aligning the appearance of the body to an individual’s desired sex. Dr. Hruz will critically assess the existing scientific evidence used to advocate for affirming one’s preferred gender, halting normally timed puberty, administering cross-sex hormones, and surgically altering primary and secondary sexual traits. The relative risks and benefits of gender-affirming medical interventions will then be discussed, weighing both short- and long-term physical and psychological outcomes. Finally, a framework for designing and implementing clinical studies to address the most significant knowledge gaps will be proposed.
Saturday, April 29, 2023
8:00 am: Mass followed by coffee/pastry
9:00 am – 10:30 am: Presentation/Q&A
St. Mary’s Visitation Parish
1260 Church Street
Elm Grove, WI. 53122
Registration is required.