And The Two Shall Become One Flesh: The Inseparable Meanings of Conjugal Love

St. Francis de Sales Seminary 3257 South Lake Drive, St. Francis, United States

Father Strand will provide an historical overview of 20th century developments in the Church’s articulation of the meaning of conjugal love. He will argue that Pope Saint Paul VI’s contribution to this discussion in Humanae Vitae not only synthesized Church teaching on contraception but also would become the basis for the Church’s response to IVF. […]

$5 – $10

Getting the Facts About Organ Donation After Death: Church Teachings and Medical Realities

Saint Mary's Visitation Catholic Church 1260 Church St., Elm Grove, WI, United States

Countless lives have been saved through vital organ transplantation. The Catechism of the Catholic Church describes organ donation after death as a “noble and meritorious act” (2296). At the same time, it highlights the dead donor rule and the need for explicit consent. There are concerns about proper informed consent when a person signs up […]

$5 – $10

Understanding Physical and Medical Disabilities in Light of a Christian Anthropology…God Doesn’t Make Mistakes

St. Dominic Parish 18255 W. Capitol Drive, Brookfield, WI, United States

Made in the image and likeness of God. A profound phase which invites us to see the depth and expansiveness of our Loving Creator in the totality of humanity including persons with disabilities and those living on the margins. It is an invitation to enhance society and elevate culture. Emboldened with this revelation one then […]

$5 – $10